The sign on Alamogordo's main thoroughfare shows 35-year-old Greg Fultz holding the outline of an infant. The text reads, "This Would Have Been A Picture Of My 2-Month Old Baby If The Mother Had Decided To Not KILL Our Child!"
Fultz's ex-girlfriend has taken him to court for harassment and violation of privacy. A domestic court official has recommended the billboard be removed.
But Fultz's attorney argues the order violates his client's free speech rights.
----This case raises questions about the First Amendment. Is it lawful to exercise your freedom of speech at the expense of others' privacy?
----I believe the matter that this case will come down to is whether or not the ex-girlfriend had an abortion (like the boyfriend says) or whether she had a miscarriage (like the ex-girlfriend's friends say). If she, in fact, had a miscarriage, then the boyfriend would be making false statements about another that are injurious to that person's reputation and this is not protected by the First Amendment. However, if she did have an abortion then I believe the boyfriend is protected by the First Amendment.
Source: Yahoo
Posted by: Taylor Raizk