Current Edition- California Business Practice

The Peacemaker Quarterly- April 2014

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Health Care and the Supreme Court

What are your guy's and girl's view on this subject? They were talking in the article about how the act must be declared void because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and such. So its kind of cool that we can tie what we are learning in class about contracts and void to current news.

1 comment:

  1. Now that "Obama-care" has been passed and is in the hands of the court system, I feel the issues as to whether it is constitutional need to be addressed. The section in the act that I feel will cause problems is the portion about companies needing to provide contraceptives to their employees. I feel that this is not only unconstitutional to require this of institutions that do not support contraceptives, but will also be a huge issue in the healthcare of our nation. Catholic hospitals have threatened to close if they are required to supply this to their employees. Why I feel this is an issue is because Catholic hospitals have been some of the highest rated in the country for years. Taking their services out of the equation will cause astronomical issues for the citizens of America. I also feel that it is unconstitutional to require citizens to participate in something that goes against their religious beliefs.


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