Current Edition- California Business Practice

The Peacemaker Quarterly- April 2014

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The difference between fear and apprehension in an assault

Can anyone explain the difference between apprehension and fear in an assault? I read the section in the book a few times but it confuses me when the book says: "An assault occurs if apprehension exists, regardless of fear" which is saying that whether the fear exists or not, as long as there is an apprehension of the physical harm, it is an assault. However, the definition of assault in the book suggests that: " An assault occurs when one person places another in fear or apprehension of an immediate, offensive bodily harm" which is suggesting either fear or apprehension occurs, assault occurs.

1 comment:

  1. I think apprehension is when you know or understand that something bad, dangerous, or unpleasant will happen and fear is being afraid or that bad or unpleasant event that is about to happen. I agree with the book that apprehension can exist without fear, but fear cannot exist without apprehension.


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