Current Edition- California Business Practice

The Peacemaker Quarterly- April 2014

Friday, February 5, 2010

Just in time for Valentine's Day...

Interesting, but questionable...

Anti-Love Drug May Be Ticket to Bliss

a. Would this solve problems or cause bigger ones with troubled relationships?
b. Is it an ethical product to sell to the public?
c. Can you legally give someone a drug to make them fall in love with you?

1 comment:

  1. Sign me up for the vaccine. Pretty much every hugely stupid decision I've made was based on love.

    As to what problems this brings up, I don't really see any. How is a drug that stimulates 'love' any different from a few stiff margaritas? Assuming the effects aren't permanent, sooner or later one involved party will realize there's something wrong and take an exit. As for being ethical, the market is already flooded with aphrodisiacs and other such products. I see this as little different from what's already out there, except instead of trying to raise a physical attraction it raises an emotional one. If a couple wants to try and save a relationship by covering a rough patch with a little help from this drug then who are we to judge? Is it really all that different from prescribing antidepressants or zanax to someone going through a tough time.

    Ethically or legally, you wouldn't be able to force this on someone, it'd be no different than rape in that fact; much like someone dropping GHB in your drink or purposely getting someone drunk. But between two consenting adults, is there really an ethical issue?


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