Current Edition- California Business Practice

The Peacemaker Quarterly- April 2014

Monday, April 19, 2010

James and Sandra Davis Traded Sex with Their Daughter for a '98 Minivan

By Pete Kotz in Bad Moms, Child Abuse, Douchebags, Sex crimes, bizarre, unsolved Thursday, Mar. 11 2010 @ 4:34PM

UPDATE: You will be happy to know, dear readers, that James Davis has taken an ass-beating in jail. At least one inmate wasn't happy when he heard news of why Davis had been arrested. See update after the jump...

Police believe James Davis and his wife swapped sex with their daughter for drugs and other items as well.
​According to police in Eastman, Georgia, James and Sandra Davis came up with a novel plan to pay for the '98 Dodge minivan that wanted to purchase at Shorty's Used Cars. They would let the dealership's manager have sex with their 14-year-old daughter in lieu of payments.

Police say they bought the van two years ago from 66-year-old Wayne Bearden, manager of Shorty's. But they apparently never made payments on the van -- at least the monetary kind.

Bearden was instead paid with sexual favors by the Davis' daughter, who would have only been 12 when the arrangement began.

It seems the parents were also going perv on their daughter. Both have been arrested on molestation charges. The girl has been placed in foster care.

As for the financially creative car salesman, he has a list of busts going all the way back to the '70s, when he ran for the Georgia State Senate. He was convicted in 1978 in the shooting death of a friend and political ally during a fight.

He served time again in the '90s on pot charges, and went to federal prison again in '97 on a vote-buying conspiracy pinch.

The dealership was owned by his younger brother, who gave Bearden a job because he was a recovering alcoholic.

Police believe the Davises also traded their daughter's virtue for other items and drugs. They expect more arrests in the coming days.

UPDATE: The vaunted jail morality enforcement system provides an early sentence for James Davis.

Even among inmates, James Davis is a huge degenerate for swapping his daughter's sexual services for a used minivan. So at least one inmate decided to let him know that's not how a real father behaves.

The Dodge County Sheriff's Office says Davis had to be hospitalized after getting into a fight with another con. His injuries weren't serious, but it looks like his ass was adequately kicked to leave him hospitalized. He since been transferred to a different jail for his own protection.

Police haven't named an assailant, which either means they don't know who did it, or were conveniently elsewhere when he took the beat-down. The smart money in Vegas is going with the latter scenario.


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